Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I remember the day I wanted to look older... but today is not that day...

Wednesday nights, like many church communities, is the night for band practice, choir practice, and/or youth group. REVO’s youth rGroup, following tradition (REVO is not a traditional church in the least), meets on Wednesday, recently the kids ministry, specifically rTheather (where I volunteer on Sundays), is working with the youth on Sunday mornings to act out the Bible stories for the little kids (Pre-5th grade). Therefore I go to youth group on Wednesday to help them practice their lines, etc.

A wonderful REVO-family, the Marshall’s, opens their home to the teens and pre-teens and feed them every Wednesday! What amazing families we have here at REVO!

I was in mid-Manwhich bite, when a pre-teen, puffed out his chest oh so proudly and stated,

“Well I’m 12…”

Me: “I remember when I was 12… That was like 30 years ago!”

Obviously joking…

Pre-teen: “You’re 40!?”

Another teen, older therefore I thought wiser, interjected,

“You look more like 30.”

Apparently I thought wrong…

After chewing, swallowing, and digesting the previous comment at the same time my stomach was digesting my bite of Manwhich… I calmly lost it.

“WWWHHHAAATTT!?!?!?! You think I AM 30!?!?!

Not-wiser teen: “What? Are you older?

Clearly she thought I was flattered by the “low” number she threw my way. I was on the verge of crying. Not only was I mistaken (seriously mistaken I might add) for a 30 year old, that was the lowest number she could come up with… That is as young as I was going to get?! Come on!

Me: “But I am only 22…” as my eyes are desperately searching for an anti-depressant. At the same time, I am thinking about all the money I spent on Mary Kay products. The same products that make me feel like I look young (the same) and refreshed… but in reality, I age by 8 years.


1 comment:

  1. Kids have NO concept of age darlin! Besides, I love hanging out with you cause I can drop 5 years off instantly!!
